
Surface coatings can effectively protect your components from corrosive and abrasive attacks. During aluminizing, aluminium diffuses into the material and enables the formation of an inert, very well protective aluminium oxide layer. This has been proven to protect the component from aggressive high-temperature corrosion such as the dreaded metal dusting. Diffusion Alloys offers a unique opportunity to coat even long process tubes and complete welded constructions.

We offer the following services:

  • Aluminizing by CVD or  PVD (Chemical or Pysical Vapour Deposition) from small components to long tubes and assemblies. Protection against high temperature corrosion such as carburization, metal dusting, oxidation and sulfurization
  • Chromizing
  • Boronizing
  • TiN and TiC-coatings for protection against wear
  • HVOF (High Velocity Oxigen Fuel) for e.g.  MCrAlY-Coatings



Typical coatings